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Transfer of officers and servants to the Fire Authority for Northern Ireland.

16.(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) it shall be the duty of the
Authority to appoint

(a)an officer who shall be in charge and responsible to the Authority for the
efficiency of the fire force of the Authority;

(b)such officers as may be necessary for the provision of efficient local fire
services; and

(c)a secretary and such other officers (not being officers referred to in
paragraphs (a) and (b)) as may be necessary for the due performance of any of
the functions of the Authority;

(2) The qualifications of fire officers of the Authority shall be such as may
be prescribed and the appointment of each such fire officer shall be subject
to the approval of the Ministry.

(3) The Ministry may make regulations as to the conditions of service of the
persons employed by the Authority as fire officers or firemen and in
particular as to

(a)the maintenance of discipline; and

(b)appeals against dismissal or disciplinary action (including dismissal on
disciplinary grounds).

S.16A rep. by SLR 1980[

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