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You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FOREIGN MARRIAGE ACT 1892

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Repeal and savings.

26.(1) ...

Para.(a) rep. by SLR 1908

(b)any proceedings taken with reference to a marriage, any register book kept,
and any warrant issued in pursuance of the Acts hereby repealed, shall have
effect as if taken, kept, and issued in pursuance of the Act; and

Paras.(c)(d) rep. by SLR 1908

(2) Every marriage in fact solemnised and registered by or before a British
consul or other marriage officer in intended pursuance of any Act hereby
repealed shall, notwithstanding such repeal or any defect in the authority of
the consul or the solemnisation of the marriage elsewhere than at the
consulate, be as valid as if the said Act had not been repealed and the
marriage had been solemnised at the consulate by or before a duly authorised

Provided that this enactment shall not render valid any marriage declared
invalid before the passing of this Act by any competent court, or render valid
any marriage either of the parties to which has, before the passing of
this Act, lawfully intermarried with any other person.

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