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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Effect of fishing licences.

40. A fishing licence shall operate in accordance with the terms of the
byelaws under which it is issued and of the licence but shall not be construed

(a)as conferring on any person using any fishing engine any right of fishing
in any place, being a right which he does not otherwise possess; or

(b)as affecting the rights of any person other than the licence-holder or, in
the case of a licence to which section 39 does not apply, the person using the
fishing engine; or

(c)as making legal any fishing engine that would otherwise be illegal, or as
implying any recognition of the legality of any fishing engine; or

(d)as rendering lawful anything which is unlawful by virtue of any enactment
other than this Part.

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