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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Detention of sea-fishing boats, etc.

175. Any authorised person, being a person to whom section 166(2) applies or
an officer appointed by the Ministry, may, in any case where it appears to him
that a person has committed an offence under any provision of this Act
relating to sea-fishing or the taking of salmon in the sea, without summons,
warrant or other process, both take that person and the boat to which he
belongs and the crew thereof to the [port which appears to him to be the
nearest convenient port, or require that person to take it and them there,]
and bring him or them as soon as practicable before a competent court, and in
the meantime detain him, it and them in the port until the alleged offence has
been inquired into or adjudicated upon by such court.

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