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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> FISHERIES ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1966

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Use by fishermen of land adjoining fishing places.

129.(1) Any fisherman engaged in sea-fishing, and any person watching on
behalf of, directing, guiding, assisting or helping to attend to the nets of
any such fisherman may, subject to subsection (2), enter any land in the
vicinity of any fishing place for the purpose of watching for or of drawing or
carrying ashore fish, or for the purposes of directing and guiding any
fisherman engaged or about to engage in fishing.

(2) Subsection (1) shall not authorise any person to enter an enclosed garden
or any cultivated land bearing a growing crop.

(3) If any person resists or forcibly obstructs any other person exercising
any right conferred by subsection (1) the first-mentioned person shall be
guilty of an offence.

S.130 rep. by 1981 NI 7 art.10(4) sch.5

Power of Department to grant shell-fish fishery licence.

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