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Employment of male young persons in shifts in certain industries.

99.(1) In the industries and processes to which this section applies male
young persons who have attained the age of sixteen may be employed on a system
of shifts outside the hours specified in this Part as the beginning and the
end of the period of employment of such persons, if the employment is on work
which is by reason of the nature of the process required to be carried on
continuously day and night and the conditions specified in subsection (3) and
such other conditions as the Ministry may for the purpose of safeguarding the
welfare and interests of those persons by regulations direct are complied

(2) The period of employment for any such shift may end on Sunday morning not
later than six o'clock or begin on Sunday evening not earlier than ten
o'clock, and where the young persons are employed on a system of four shifts
with turns of not more than eight hours for each shift, they may be employed
in such shifts between six o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the
evening on Sundays.

(3) The conditions to be complied with in any employment authorised by this
section shall include the following:

(a)the number of turns worked by any young person shall not exceed six in any

(b)the interval between successive turns of any young person shall not be less
than fourteen hours; and

(c)no young person shall, in two consecutive weeks, be employed between
midnight and six o'clock in the morning;

Subs.(4) rep. by 1978 NI 9 art.56(2) sch.7

(5) Male young persons who have attained the age of sixteen may, in the
industries and processes to which this section applies, be employed on
weekdays between six o'clock in the morning and ten o'clock in the evening on
a system of shifts, subject to the conditions specified in subsection (3) and
such other conditions as the Ministry may, for the purpose of safeguarding
their welfare and interests, by regulations direct.

(6) The hours worked by young persons employed in accordance with the
foregoing provisions of this section may exceed forty-eight in any week, but
shall not exceed fifty-six in any week nor one hundred and forty-four in any
period of three weeks.

(7) The provisions of this Part with respect to the overtime employment of
women and young persons shall not apply to any young persons employed in
accordance with the foregoing provisions of this section.

(8) The industries and processes to which this section applies are

(a)the galvanising of sheet metal or wire (except the pickling process);

(b)the manufacture of paper;

(c)such of the industries and processes set out in Article 2 of Part II of the
Schedule to the Employment of Women, Young Persons and Children Act, 1920
(other than those mentioned in this subsection) as may be specified by
regulations of the Ministry.

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