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Sitting facilities.

59.(1) Where any employed persons have in the course of their employment
reasonable opportunities for sitting without detriment to their work, there
shall be provided and maintained for their use suitable facilities for sitting
sufficient to enable them to take advantage of those opportunities.

(2) Where a substantial proportion of any work can properly be done sitting

(a)there shall be provided and maintained for any employed person doing that
work a seat of a design, construction and dimensions suitable for him and the
work, together with a foot-rest on which he can readily and comfortably
support his feet if he cannot do so without a foot-rest, and

(b)the arrangements shall be such that the seat is adequately and properly
supported while in use for the purpose for which it is provided.

(3) For the purposes of subsection (2) the dimensions of a seat which is
adjustable shall be taken to be its dimensions as for the time being adjusted.

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