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Precautions with respect to explosive or inflammable dust, gas, vapour or substance.

32.(1) Where, in connection with any grinding, sieving, or other process
giving rise to dust, there may escape dust of such a character and to such an
extent as to be liable to explode on ignition, all practicable steps shall be
taken to prevent such an explosion by enclosure of the plant used in the
process, and by removal or prevention of accumulation of any dust that may
escape in spite of the enclosure, and by exclusion or effective enclosure of
possible sources of ignition.

(2) Where there is present in any plant used in any such process as aforesaid
dust of such a character and to such an extent as to be liable to explode on
ignition, then, unless the plant is so constructed as to withstand the
pressure likely to be produced by any such explosion, all practicable steps
shall be taken to restrict the spread and effects of such an explosion by the
provision, in connection with the plant, of chokes, baffles and vents, or
other equally effective appliances.

(3) Where any part of a plant contains any explosive or inflammable gas or
vapour under pressure greater than atmospheric pressure, that part shall not
be opened, except in accordance with the following provisions:

(a)before the fastening of any joint of any pipe connected with the part of
the plant or the fastening of the cover of any opening into the part is
loosened, any flow of the gas or vapour into the part or into any such pipe
shall be effectively stopped by a stop-valve or otherwise;

(b)before any such fastening is removed, all practicable steps shall be taken
to reduce the pressure of the gas or vapour in the pipe or part of the plant
to atmospheric pressure;

(4) Any plant, tank or vessel which contains or has contained any explosive or
inflammable substance shall not be subjected

(a)to any welding, brazing or soldering operation;

(b)to any cutting operation which involves the application of heat; or

(c)to any operation involving the application of heat for the purpose of
taking apart or removing the plant, tank or vessel or any part of it;

(5) The chief inspector may by certificate grant, subject to any conditions
specified in the certificate, exemption from compliance with any of the
requirements of subsections (3) and (4) in any case where he is satisfied that
compliance with the requirement is unnecessary or impracticable.

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