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Posting of abstract of Act and notices.

138.(1) Subject to subsection (2), there shall be kept posted at the principal
entrances of a factory at which employed persons enter

(a)the prescribed abstract of this Act; and

(b)a notice of the address of the chief inspector; and

[(c)a notice of the address of the employment medical adviser in charge of the
area in which the factory is situate];

(d)a notice specifying the clock, if any, by which the period of employment
and intervals for meals and rest in the factory are regulated; and

(e)every notice and document required by this Act to be posted in the factory.

(2) An inspector may direct that all or any of the documents mentioned in
subsection (1) shall be posted in such parts of the factory, either in
addition to or in substitution for the principal entrances, as he may direct.

(3) All such documents shall be posted in such characters and in such
positions as to be conveniently read by the persons employed in the factory
and, if a form has been prescribed for any document, it shall be posted in
that form.

(4) If any person pulls down ... any abstract, notice, regulations or other
document posted in pursuance of this Act, he shall be guilty of an offence and
liable [on summary conviction] to a fine not exceeding ten pounds.

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