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Northern Irish Legislation

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Exception as to factories where milk is treated.

111.(1) In the case of factories, or any class or description of factory, in
which cream, butter, cheese, milk powder, condensed milk or any other milk
product is made or fresh milk or cream is sterilised or otherwise treated
before being sold as such, the Ministry may make regulations varying the
provisions of this Part with respect to the general conditions as to hours of
employment of women and young persons, notices fixing hours of employment,
overtime employment of women and young persons, prohibition of use of rooms
during intervals, prohibition of Sunday employment, and annual holidays, so
far as they relate to women and to young persons who have attained the age of

(2) The hours worked in any week by any woman or young person in pursuance of
regulations made under this section shall not exceed fifty-four, except that
in such factories in which cheese is made as may be specified in the
regulations, and during such period of the year as may be so specified, the
hours so worked in any week may extend to sixty.

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