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Northern Irish Legislation

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5. The manner in which all such penal sums as aforesaid shall be collected
shall be as follows: <1.In every case where any such sums shall be levied under a warrant, the sub-inspector ... or office sergeant, as the case may be, to whom the said warrant shall be addressed, transmitted, or indorsed for execution, as herein-before provided, shall either pay over the amount direct to the said officer of the court from which the said warrant was issued, or shall transmit the same to the said officer through the person to whom the said warrant was addressed in the first instance, according as he shall be directed by the chief ... secretary to the Lord Lieutenant:<2.In every case where such sums shall be paid to the keeper of any [prison], he shall indorse on the warrant of committal the amount and date of payment, and shall within fourteen days, or within such other period as the chief ... secretary shall direct, pay over the amount to the said officer of the court from which the warrant was issued; ....<3.In every case where any such penal sums shall be paid in court or to the said officer of the court (before the issue of a warrant), or shall be so paid over or transmitted to the said officer of the court (after the issue of a warrant), he shall receive the same, and shall at the time deliver or transmit a receipt for the same in the form (B. a. or b.) to the person by whom the same shall be so paid or transmitted:<4.The said officer shall out of the sums so received pay to the several parties such portion of the same as shall have been awarded to them by the court, and which shall be claimed by them either in court or at the public office of the said officer, taking from each of such parties a receipt for the same in the form (B. c.):

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