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Northern Irish Legislation

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36.(1) Regulations may make provision

(a)to secure that any supply of electricity to a consumer is regular and

(b)to secure that the public is, so far as practicable, protected from any
injury from fire or other dangers arising from the supply of electricity, or
the use of electricity supplied, to a consumer.

(2) Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph (1), regulations may

(a)provide for the exercise of powers of entry and inspection by persons
authorised to exercise functions under the regulations;

(b)provide for the action which may be taken by such persons to avert danger
to life or property;

(c)make provision for appeals against such action;

(d)make provision for prohibiting or restricting any person from reconnecting
or restoring the supply of electricity where it is cut off by such action.

(3) Any regulations made under section 6 of the Electric Lighting Act 1882,
and in force immediately before the day appointed under Article 1(2) for the
repeal of the said section 6 shall, until revoked by regulations made under
this Article, continue to have effect as if made under this Article.

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