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Short title.

41. This Act may be cited as the Exchequer and Financial Provisions Act
(Northern Ireland), 1950.

Section 11.

1. Subject to the succeeding provisions of this Schedule, each Northern
Ireland Treasury Bill [shall be issued by, or on behalf of, the Ministry] in
such form as the Ministry may prescribe.

2. Each Bill shall be for the payment of the principal sum named therein in
the manner and at the date therein stated, so however that the date of payment
shall be not more than twelve months from the date of issue of the Bill.

3. Interest shall be payable in respect of each Bill at such rate and in such
manner as the Ministry may determine at the time of the issue thereof.

4. Each Bill shall bear the name of the Secretary, or the Second Secretary, or
one of the Assistant Secretaries for the time being of the Ministry, and that
name may be impressed or affixed by machinery or otherwise in such manner as
the Ministry may from time to time determine.

5. Bills shall be prepared ... under the authority of a Warrant ... of
the Ministry, and shall be issued by the Exchequer Bank or otherwise as
the Ministry may determine.

6. The Ministry may by regulations make provision for carrying into effect the
provisions of this Schedule, and in particular for

(a)regulating, in accordance with the foregoing provisions of this Schedule,
the preparation, form, manner of issue, presentation, payment and cancellation
of Bills;

(b)regulating the issue of a new Bill in lieu of one defaced, lost or

(c)preventing, by the use of counterfoils or of a special description of paper
or otherwise, fraud in relation to Bills; and

(d)the proper discharge to be given upon payment of a Bill.Third
ScheduleAmendments. Fourth Schedule rep. by SLR (NI) 1954

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