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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> EXCHEQUER AND FINANCIAL PROVISIONS ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1950

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Transitory provisions.

39.(1) Any fund or account constituted under or by virtue of any enactment
repealed by this Act shall be deemed to be constituted under or by virtue of
the enactment contained in this Act which authorises the constitution of a
fund or account for corresponding purposes and all moneys, securities, or
other property or assets comprised in any fund or account created under or by
virtue of any enactment repealed by this Act shall by virtue of this section
and without more be or become part of any fund or account created for
corresponding purposes under or by virtue of any enactment contained in
this Act.

(2) Any document referring to any Act or enactment repealed by this Act shall
be construed as referring to this Act or to the corresponding enactment (if
any) in this Act.

(3) Any order, regulation or direction made, any certificate, sanction or
consent given or made and anything done under any enactment repealed by
this Act shall, for the purposes of this Act, be deemed to have been made,
given, or done under the corresponding provisions (if any) of this Act.

(4) Any determination, direction or authorisation made or granted under any
enactment repealed by this Act and re-enacted with or without modifications,
by this Act shall have the like effect, and the like proceedings may be had
thereon and in respect thereof, as if it had been made, or granted, under
this Act.

Subs.(5) rep. by 1955 c.6 (NI) s.21 sch.

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