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Finance accounts.

10.(1) In addition to the accounts to be kept under sections one and
thirty-six of this Act or under any provision of the Exchequer and Audit Act
(Northern Ireland), 1921, the Ministry shall prepare in respect of each
financial year statements (which may be called "the Finance Accounts") showing

(a)the nature of the public income and of other receipts into the Exchequer;

(b)the nature of the public expenditure and other issues made from the

(c)the balances of public income due at the end of the year to the Exchequer
from all public accounts in Northern Ireland;

(d)the balances of grants for supply services made by Parliament and remaining
unissued from the Exchequer at the end of the year;

(e)the public debt of Northern Ireland, reductions thereof made during the
year, and the amount outstanding at the end of the year;

(f)contingent liabilities of the Consolidated Fund at the end of the year; and

(g)such other details of Exchequer transactions as the Ministry may determine.

(2) The Ministry shall lay copies of the Finance Accounts before Parliament on
or before the thirtieth day of November next after the expiration of each
financial year, if Parliament is then sitting, or if not sitting, within
fourteen days after the next meeting of Parliament.

Exercise of borrowing powers by the Ministry of Finance.

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