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Northern Irish Legislation

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11.(1) Any street, building, or work which has been formed, erected, or
constructed otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of any general or
local Acts relating to streets or buildings, and with any byelaws or
regulations made thereunder on any land to which section one of this Act
applies, or which has been acquired under section three thereof, shall, unless
the authority by whom such provisions, byelaws, or regulations are enforced
consent to the continuance thereof, either be so altered as to comply with
such provisions, byelaws, or regulations, or be discontinued or removed within
such reasonable time, not being less than two years, after such land or
building has ceased to be occupied by a Government department as such
authority may order, and the owner (as defined by such Acts, byelaws, or
regulations) shall have power to enter upon and carry out any works without
the consent of any other person, and if he fails to comply with such order
such authority as aforesaid may remove any such building or work and recover
the expense incurred in such removal from the owner in a summary manner as a
civil debt.

(2) If any person feels aggrieved by the neglect or refusal of such authority
to give its consent, or by the conditions on which such consent is given, or
as to the time within which such discontinuance or removal is ordered, he may
appeal to the Local Government Board, whose decision shall be final and shall
have effect as if it were a decision of the authority: Provided that the Board
may before considering any such appeal require the appellant to deposit such
sum not exceeding ten pounds to cover the costs of appeal as may be fixed by
rules to be made by them.

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