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Northern Irish Legislation

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Companies may lease their tolls.

8. It shall be lawful for any such canal or navigation company, from time to
time, by lease, to take effect in possession within six months from the
letting thereof, to let the tolls and duties, or any part thereof, upon the
whole or any part of any such canal or navigation, or of any such railways or
tramways, to any other canal or navigation company, (and which lease such
other canal or navigation company is hereby authorized to accept and enter
into), for any period not exceeding twenty-one years from the commencement of
any such lease: Provided always, that no such letting shall take place unless
public notice of the intention to let such tolls, or the part thereof intended
to be let, shall have been given by the company proposing to let the same, by
advertisement, at least fourteen days prior to the meeting of the directors or
managers at which it shall be intended to let such tolls.

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