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Northern Irish Legislation

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Lessee making default to be removed.

10. If any such lease shall become void or voidable, according to any
stipulations therein contained for that purpose, by reason of the failure on
the part of the lessee to comply with any of the terms of such lease, or if
all or any part of the rent thereby reserved shall be in arrear or unpaid for
twenty-one days after the same shall become payable, then, upon application
made by the company who shall have demised the same to a justice, it shall be
lawful for such justice to order any constable, with proper assistance, to
enter upon any toll house, dwelling house, office, weighing machine, or other
building, with the appurtenances, belonging to the lessors, and remove from
the same the lessee or collector or other person found therein, together with
his goods, and take possession thereof and of all property found therein
belonging to the lessors, and deliver the same to them or any person appointed
by them for that purpose.

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