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Northern Irish Legislation

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Power to enforce orders.

398.(1) The Ministry shall have power by regulations to alter or add to the
requirements of [the Companies Acts] as to the matters to be stated in a
company's balance sheet, profit and loss account and group accounts, and in
particular of those of the Sixth Schedule, and any reference in [the Companies
Acts] to the Sixth Schedule shall be construed as a reference to that Schedule
with any alterations or additions made by regulations for the time being in
force under this sub-section.

(2) The Ministry may by regulations

(a)alter Table A, ..., and the form in the Ninth Schedule; and

(b)alter or add to Tables B, C, D, and E in the First Schedule and the form in
Part II of the Fifth Schedule;

(3) No regulations shall be made under sub-section (1) so as to render more
onerous the requirements therein referred to, unless a draft of the
regulations has been subjected to affirmative resolution.

(4) Regulations made under this section, not being regulations to which
sub-section (3) applies, shall be subject to negative resolution.

Annual report by Ministry.

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