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Liability of bank of issue unlimited in respect of notes.

381.(1) Every company, being [a limited banking company or] an insurance
company or a deposit, provident, or benefit society, shall, before it
commences business, and also on the first Monday in February and the first
Tuesday in August in every year during which it carries on business, make a
statement in the form set out in the Ninth Schedule.

(2) A copy of the statement shall be put up in a conspicuous place in the
registered office of the company, and in every branch office or place where
the business of the company is carried on.

(3) Every member and every creditor of the company shall be entitled to a copy
of the statement, on payment of a sum not exceeding [three new pence].

(4) If default is made in complying with this section, the company and every
officer of the company who is in default shall be liable to a default fine.

(5) For the purposes of this Act a company which carries on the business of
insurance in common with any other business or businesses shall be deemed to
be an insurance company.

(6) This section shall not apply to any assurance company to which the
provisions of [the Insurance Companies Act 1974], as to the accounts and
balance sheet to be prepared annually and deposited by such a company apply,
if the company complies with those provisions.

1879 c.11

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