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Northern Irish Legislation

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1923 c.20

378.(1) Where a banking company which was in existence on the seventh day of
August, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, proposes to register as a limited
company, it shall, at least thirty days before so registering, give notice of
its intention so to register to every person who has a banking account with
the company, either by delivery of the notice to him, or by posting it to him
at, or delivering it at, his last known address.

(2) If the company omits to give the notice required by this section, then, as
between the company and the person for the time being interested in the
account in respect of which the notice ought to have been given, and so far as
respects the account down to the time at which notice is given, but not
further or otherwise, the certificate of registration with limited liability
shall have no operation.][

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