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Northern Irish Legislation

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Judicial notice of signature of officers.

312.(1) The judges of the county courts in England who sit at places more than
twenty miles from the General Post Office, and in Northern Ireland county
court judges and recorders, and the sheriffs of counties in Scotland, shall be
commissioners for the purpose of taking evidence under this Act, where a
company is wound up in Northern Ireland, and the court may refer the whole or
any part of the examination of any witnesses under this Act to any person
hereby appointed commissioner although he is out of the jurisdiction of
the court that made the winding-up order.

(2) Every commissioner shall, in addition to any powers which he might
lawfully exercise as a judge of county courts, county court judge, recorder or
sheriff, have in the matter so referred to him all the same powers of
summoning and examining witnesses, of requiring the production or delivery of
documents, of punishing defaults by witnesses, and of allowing costs and
expenses to witnesses, as the court which made the winding-up order.

(3) The examination so taken shall be returned or reported to the court which
made the order in such manner as that court directs.

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