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Northern Irish Legislation

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As to unclaimed money and goods found or stolen.

9. When any money or goods shall be found and shall be delivered over to any
constable, or when any goods or money charged to be stolen or unlawfully
obtained, and of which the owner shall be unknown, shall be in the hands of
any constable, it shall be lawful for the inspector general, after the
expiration of [six calendar months] during which no owner shall have appeared
to claim the same, to sell or dispose of such goods or money, and pay over
such money or proceeds to Her Majesty's Exchequer in like manner as any other
money payable thereto.

S.10 rep. by 1957 c.20 s.14 sch.4 Pt.I. Ss.11, 12 rep. by SLR (NI) 1954. S.13
rep. by SLR 1883

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