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Annual general meeting.

65.(1) Any provision contained in the rules of a building society shall be
void in so far as it provides for the calling of a meeting of the society
(other than an adjourned meeting) by a shorter notice than twenty-one days
notice in writing.

(2) Except in so far as the rules of a building society make other provision
in that behalf (not being a provision rendered void by subsection (1)) a
meeting of a building society (other than an adjourned meeting) may be called
by twenty-one days notice in writing.

(3) Where notice of a meeting is given in accordance with subsection (2), the
notice shall be taken for the purposes of this Act or any other Act to have
been duly given according to the rules of the building society.

(4) Notice of a meeting of a building society shall not be sent to members of
the society more than fifty-six days before the date of the meeting.

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