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Northern Irish Legislation

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Publication of Order in Council.

4. ... It shall be sufficient for the purposes of this Act and the several
Acts herein-before mentioned that the Order only of the Lord Lieutenant in
Council, made in respect of the detailed report and ordnance plans submitted
by the boundary surveyor, shall be published in the [Belfast Gazette]: but
every such Order in Council shall contain a clause that the said Order, and
the report in detail and the ordnance plans submitted by the boundary
surveyor, shall remain on record in the Council Office, and shall be exhibited
to any person or persons who may desire to inspect the same, without fee or
reward; and a copy of the said Order in Council, with copies of the report and
ordnance plans certified under the hand of the clerk of the Council, shall be
transmitted to the [chief clerk] for each county to which such Order shall in
any way relate, to be by him kept and preserved in his office, and exhibited
at all reasonable hours to any person or persons who may desire to inspect the
same, without fee or reward.

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