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1825 c.42

16. And whereas by the Bankers (Ireland) Act 1825 any certificate granted by
the commissioners of stamps in Ireland, to any society or copartnership of
bankers in Ireland exceeding six in number, of the registry of the firm and
name of such society, is liable to the stamp duty payable by law on
certificates to be taken out yearly by any banker or bankers in Ireland, that
is to say, a stamp duty of thirty pounds: And whereas it is provided by the
said recited Act, that a separate and distinct certificate, with a separate
and distinct stamp, shall be granted for and in respect of every town or place
where any such bills or notes as in the said Act are mentioned shall be issued
by any such society or copartnership: And whereas it is expedient that no such
society or copartnership should be required to take out more than four
certificates in any one year, although it should issue such bills or notes as
aforesaid at more than four towns or places in Ireland: No society or
copartnership of bankers in Ireland exceeding six in number, and carrying on
the trade or business of bankers under the authority of the said recited Act,
shall be obliged to take out more than four certificates in any one year of
the entry and registry of the firm or name of such society or copartnership;
and in case any such society or copartnership shall issue such bills or notes
as aforesaid, by themselves or their agents, at more than four different towns
or places in Ireland, then, after taking out three distinct certificates for
three of such towns or places, such society or copartnership shall be entitled
to have all the remainder of such towns or places included in a fourth
certificate; any thing in the said Bankers (Ireland) Act 1825 to the contrary

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