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Fresh bonds to be given on alterations of copartnerships.

10. If any alteration shall be made in any copartnership of persons who shall
have given any such security by bond as by this Act is directed, whether such
alteration shall be caused by the death or retirement of one or more of the
partners of the firm, or by the accession of any additional or new partner or
partners, a fresh bond shall, within one calendar month after any such
alteration, be given by the remaining partner or partners, or the persons
composing the new copartnership, as the case may be, which bond shall be taken
as a security for the duties which may be due and owing or may become due and
owing in respect of the unstamped promissory notes which shall have been
issued by the persons composing the old copartnership, and which shall be in
circulation at the time of such alteration, as well as for duties which shall
or may be or become due or owing in respect of the unstamped promissory notes
issued or to be issued by the persons composing the new copartnership;
provided that no such fresh bond shall be rendered necessary by any such
alteration as aforesaid in any copartnership of persons exceeding six in
number, but that the bonds to be given by such last-mentioned copartnerships
shall be taken as securities for all the duties they may incur so long as they
shall exist, or the persons composing the same or any of them shall carry on
business in copartnership together, or with any other person or persons,
notwithstanding any alteration in such copartnership; saving always the power
of the said commissioners of stamps to require a new bond in any case where
they shall deem it necessary for better securing the payment of the said

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