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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BATHS AND WASHHOUSES (IRELAND) ACT 1846

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Bye laws for regulating baths and washhouses.

20. The bye laws which the council ... may from time to time make, alter,
repeal, and enforce shall include such bye laws for the management, use, and
regulation of the public baths and washhouses and open bathing places, and of
the persons resorting thereto respectively and for determining from time to
time the charges for the use of such baths and washhouses and open bathing
places respectively, as the council ... shall think fit; and they ... may
appoint any penalty not exceeding [#20] for any and every breach, whether by
their officers or servants or by other persons, of any bye law made by them
...; and such bye laws shall make sufficient provision for the several
purposes respectively expressed in the schedule (A) to this Act:

Copies or abstracts of bye laws to be hung up in every bath room and open
bathing place, &c.

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