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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY AMENDMENT ACT (NORTHERN IRELAND) 1929

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Postponement of husband's and wife's claims.

9.(1) Where a married woman has been adjudged bankrupt, her husband shall not
be entitled to claim any dividend as a creditor in respect of any money or
other estate lent or entrusted by him to his wife for the purposes of her
trade or business, until all claims of the other creditors of his wife for
valuable consideration in money or money's worth have been satisfied.

(2) Where the husband of a married woman has been adjudged bankrupt, any money
or other estate of such woman lent or entrusted by her to her husband for the
purpose of any trade or business carried on by him or otherwise, shall be
treated as assets of his estate, and the wife shall not be entitled to claim
any dividend as a creditor in respect of any such money or other estate until
all claims of the other creditors of her husband for a valuable consideration
in money or money's worth have been satisfied.

Relation back of title of assignees or trustees.

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