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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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Vesting of estate of bankrupt in trustee.

90. The passing of any such special resolution as aforesaid, and the
appointment of a trustee, shall be reported to the Court, and thereupon
the Court shall, if it think it reasonable and proper so to do, make an order
that the estate of the bankrupt shall be wound up by a trustee and a committee
of inspection. When making any such order the Court shall at the same time,
upon being satisfied that the requisite security has been entered into by the
said trustee, give him a certificate declaring him to be trustee of the
bankruptcy named in the certificate; and such certificate shall be conclusive
evidence of the appointment of the trustee, and such appointment shall date
from the date of the certificate.

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