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Northern Irish Legislation

You are here:  BAILII >> Databases >> Northern Irish Legislation >> BANKRUPTCY (IRELAND) AMENDMENT ACT 1872

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78. The Court may by warrant..., cause a debtor to be arrested and safely kept
as prescribed, until such time as the Court may order, if, after a debtor's
summons has been granted in the manner prescribed by this Act, and before a
petition of bankruptcy can be presented against him, it appear to the Court
that there is probable reason for believing that he is about to go abroad with
a view of avoiding payment of the debt for which such summons has been
granted, or of avoiding the presentation of a petition in bankruptcy against
him, or of avoiding examination in respect of his affairs, or otherwise
avoiding, delaying, or embarrassing proceedings in bankruptcy: Provided
always, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to qualify or alter
the right of the debtor to apply to the Court in the prescribed manner to
dismiss the said summons as in this Act is provided, or to pay, secure, or
compound for the said debt within the time by this Act provided, without being
deemed to have committed an act of bankruptcy; and provided also, that upon
any such payment or composition being made, or such security offered as
the Court shall think reasonable, the said debtor shall be discharged out of
custody, unless the court shall otherwise order.

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