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Northern Irish Legislation

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General power of the Court.

65. Whenever it shall appear to the satisfaction of the Court that any trader
who has presented a petition for arrangement with his creditors before the
passing of this Act, has obtained such certificate as is mentioned in the
three hundred and fifty-second section of the said Act, or that any
arranging debtor has obtained such certificate as is mentioned in the last
preceding section of this Act, and that there remains in the possession of, or
vested in, or otherwise subject to the control of the assignees, or any
trustees or trustee of such trader or arranging debtor under his arrangement,
any part of the estate or effects of such trader or arranging debtor, it shall
be lawful for the Court to order that the same shall be vested in the said
trader or arranging debtor, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns,
and such order shall have the effect of vesting the same accordingly. Any
order made in pursuance of this section shall for all purposes of any law in
force in any part of the United Kingdom, or in any part of the dominions of
Her Majesty, requiring registration, enrolment, or recording of conveyances,
or assignments of property, be deemed to be a conveyance or assignment of
property, and may be registered, enrolled, and recorded accordingly.

Power to Court to restrain suits, &c.

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