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Northern Irish Legislation

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Banks entitled to the privilege of issuing notes may agree with Bank of Ireland to relinquish the same;

12. It shall be lawful for any banker in Ireland who under the provisions of
this Act is entitled to issue bank notes to contract and agree with the
governor and company of the Bank of Ireland, by an agreement in writing, for
the relinquishment of the privilege of issuing such notes in favour of the
said governor and company; and in each such case a copy of such agreement
shall be transmitted to the commissioners of stamps and taxes; and the said
commissioners shall thereupon certify, in manner herein-before mentioned, the
aggregate of the amount of bank notes which the Bank of Ireland and the banker
with whom such agreement shall have been made were previously authorized to
issue under the separate certificates previously delivered to them; and every
such certificate shall be published in manner herein-before directed; and from
and after such publication the amount therein stated shall be the limit of the
amount of bank notes which the Bank of Ireland may have in circulation
exclusive of an amount equal to the amount of the gold and silver coin held by
the Bank of Ireland, as herein provided.

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