CASE REF: 2709/14
CLAIMANT: Sinead Heenan
RESPONDENT: William Neill and Gloria Neill, t/a W G Neill
The decision of the tribunal is set out at paragraph 2 below.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Employment Judge: Employment Judge Greene
Members: Mrs S Doran
Mr P Kearns
The claimant appeared in person.
The respondent appeared in person.
1. The claimant claimed constructive unfair dismissal. The respondent disputed the claimant’s claim.
2. Having heard all the evidence from the claimant the tribunal dismissed the claimant’s claim for constructive unfair dismissal.
3. Oral reasons were given at the hearing for the tribunal’s decision.
Employment Judge:
Date and place of hearing: 26 February 2015, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: