CASE REF: 544/13
CLAIMANT: Thomas Campbell
RESPONDENT: LBM Direct Marketing
The unanimous decision of
the tribunal is that the claimant’s claim of unfair dismissal be
Constitution of
Chairman: Mr
D Buchanan
Members: Mr D Hampton
Mr I Rosbotham
claimant did not appear, nor was he represented .
respondent was represented by Ms A McLarnon, Barrister-at-Law, instructed by
Cleaver Fulton Rankin, Solicitors.
1. The claimant, by a claim form, presented on
13 March 2013, brought a claim of unfair dismissal against the respondent
company. He did not appear at the hearing, nor was he represented. At an
earlier Case Management Discussion on 29 August 2013 he had not appeared also,
and on that occasion there was no representation on his behalf.
2. A note of a telephone call to the Office of
the Tribunals dated 4 September 2013 records that the claimant phoned to say
that he had sent a letter withdrawing his claim on 5 July 2013. There was
no letter on the file. The claimant said he would re-send the withdrawal
letter but this did not happen.
3. In these circumstances, we proceeded to hear
the case and dismissed the claimant’s claim. Before doing so we considered the
contents of his claim form, and the documents in the bundle provided. We also
considered the witness statements provided by the respondent company’s
witnesses, who were called to give evidence and swore to the truth of their
statements. (The claimant had failed to provide any witness statement in
breach of a direction of the tribunal.)
Date and place of
hearing: 10 September 2013, Belfast
Date decision recorded in
register and issued to parties: