CASE REF: 729/12
CLAIMANT: Rosemary Wilson
RESPONDENTS: 1. Karen Kenny
2. Superintendent Chris Yates
3. Police Service of Northern Ireland
The decision of the tribunal is that these proceedings will continue against the third named respondent alone, the other respondents being dismissed from the proceedings. The claimant’s application to include a claim of Disability Discrimination is dismissed.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (Sitting alone): Mr S M P Cross
The claimant was represented by Mr Walsh of NIPSA.
The respondents were represented by Ms Best, Barrister-at-Law, instructed by the Crown Solicitor’s Office.
1. After hearing arguments on both sides concerning the claimant’s application to include a claim for Disability Discrimination in her application to the tribunal, the claimant, after a short adjournment announced to the tribunal that she was not continuing with her claim of Disability Discrimination.
2. This being the case there was no need to proceed with this application and the application was accordingly dismissed. The respondents asked that the matter of costs for this hearing should be reserved to the hearing of the other outstanding matters set out in the claimant’s application to the tribunal.
3. The parties agreed that as the matter of a claim for Disability Discrimination was not now proceeding, that it would be appropriate to dismiss the first and second-named respondents from the proceedings. The claim which is now only in respect of unauthorised deduction from wages will proceed against the employer of the claimant, the third-named respondent. I accordingly dismiss the first and second named respondents from these proceedings.
Date and place of hearing: 11 October 2012, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: