CASE REF: 226/12
CLAIMANT: Robert Finn
RESPONDENT: Successful Security Ltd
The decision of the tribunal is that the claimant is entitled to:-
(a) redundancy payment of £2,625.00;
(b) unpaid wages of £444.26;
(c) holiday pay of £222.13; and
(d) notice pay of £1,110.65.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (sitting alone): Mr P Kinney
The claimant appeared in person and represented himself.
The respondent did not appear and had not filed a response.
Findings of fact
1. The tribunal heard evidence from the claimant and considered documents produced. After hearing the evidence of the claimant, the tribunal is satisfied that his claims are well-founded for the reasons given orally at hearing. The tribunal has made the awards as set out above.
2. This is a relevant decision for the purposes of the Industrial Tribunals (Interest) Order (Northern Ireland) 1990.
Date and place of hearing: 11 May 2012, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: