CASE REF: 2259/11
CLAIMANT: Margaret Rose Robinson
RESPONDENT: Harwil Distribution Limited
The decision of the tribunal (Chairman sitting alone) is that the claimant is entitled to holiday pay in the sum of £776.92 and a redundancy payment of £4661.52, making a total award of £5438.44.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (sitting alone): Ms J Knight
The claimant appeared and represented herself.
The respondent did not appear and was not represented.
1. The claimant’s claims in the originating claim form were for unpaid holiday pay and a redundancy payment following the termination of her employment with effect from 19 August 2011. At that date the claimant was 60 years’ old and had 8 years’ continuous service with the respondent and was owed 9 days’ holiday. Her gross weekly pay was £388.46. The respondent did not lodge a response with the Office of the Tribunals disputing the claimant’s claims.
2. Having considered the oral and documentary evidence of the claimant, I am satisfied that she is entitled to receive £776.92 in respect of holiday pay and a redundancy payment of £4661.52, correctly calculated.
3. Full reasons were given orally at the Hearing.
4. This is a relevant decision for the purposes of the Industrial Tribunals (Interest) Order (Northern Ireland) 1990.
Date and place of hearing: 13 December 2011, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: