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CASE REF: 2756/10
CLAIMANT: Paul Getty
The claimant’s
claim in respect of notice pay is well-founded. It is ordered that the
respondent shall pay to the claimant the sum of £882 in respect of notice pay.
(B) The claimant’s claim in respect of redundancy pay is well-founded. It is declared that the claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment amounting to £1,855 from the respondent.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (sitting alone): Mr Paul Buggy
The claimant was self-represented.
There was no appearance on behalf of the respondent.
At the end of this
hearing, I issued my decision orally. At the same time, I gave oral reasons
for this decision. Accordingly, what follows is by way of summary only.
I was satisfied
that the claimant had been employed by the respondent for seven complete years
at the time of termination of his employment. I was satisfied that he was
given no notice of termination of employment. I decided that the claimant was
entitled to net pay of £220 per week. In calculating the amount of the
claimant’s notice pay, I took account of the amount of carer’s allowance which
he received during the notice period. (The claimant could not have received
that allowance if he had still been at work with the respondent).
In deciding on the
amount of the claimant’s entitlement to a redundancy payment, I took full
account of the following. First, I was satisfied that the claimant had been
employed by the respondent and that the relevant dismissal was by reason of
redundancy. Secondly, in calculating the amount of the claimant’s redundancy
pay entitlement, I took account of the claimant’s gross weekly pay (£265) his
date of birth, and his length of service.
4. This is a relevant decision for the purposes of the Industrial Tribunals (Interest) Order (Northern Ireland) 1990.
Date and place of hearing: 15 February 2011, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: