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The decision of the tribunal is that the claimant is entitled to a statutory redundancy payment of £990.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (Sitting Alone): Mr N Kelly
1. The claimant was born on 23 February 1962. She was employed by the respondent as an IT support worker from 6 March 2006 to 29 August 2008. She was based in Crossmaglen, South Armagh.
2. Her gross monthly pay was £1,784.33. Her net monthly pay was £1,371.72.
3. The funding for the project on which she was engaged came to an end in August 2008 and the three workers engaged on that project were made redundant.
4. The claimant wrote to the respondent on 29 August 2008 requesting a redundancy payment. No payment was made.
5. The claimant is entitled to a statutory redundancy payment calculated as follows in accordance with Chapter V of the Employment Rights (Northern Ireland) Order 1996:
2 complete years employment x 1½ weeks = 3 weeks
£1,784.33 x 12 = £411.76 (gross weekly wage)
x £330 (maximum weekly pay) = £990.
This is a relevant decision for the purposes of the Industrial Tribunals (Interest) Order
(Northern Ireland) 1996.
Date and place of hearing: 6 April 2009, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: