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CASE REF: 2050/07
CLAIMANT: Mark O'Neill
RESPONDENT: Sarcon (No 214) Ltd t/a Domino's Pizza
The decision of the tribunal is that the claimant's claim in respect of unauthorised deductions from wages be dismissed.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman (sitting alone): Mr D Buchanan
The claimant did not attend the hearing, nor was he represented.
The respondent company was represented by Mr G Watt, Barrister-at-Law, instructed by Flynn & McGettrick, Solicitors.
In doing so, I had regard to the contents of the claim form. I also heard evidence from Mr Gordon McIlmoyle, the respondent company's area manager, and considered documentary evidence adduced by the respondent company, in particular a statement of the claimant's main terms of employment, and extracts from the Company's Employee Handbook, which are incorporated into the claimant's contract of employment.
I therefore dismiss the claim.
Date and place of hearing: 23 May 2008, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: