Case Ref No: 9410/03
APPLICANT: Donald Thomas McMillan
RESPONDENT: Tullymore House Ltd
On Review, the tribunal confirms its decision as promulgated on 22 October 2004, and thus dismisses the respondent's application for a review. At the request of the parties, the tribunal now records that the respondent has agreed to pay the applicant's legal costs incurred on 9 February 2005.
The applicant was represented by Mr D Sharpe of Counsel, instructed by L Cubitt & Co., Solicitors.
The respondent was represented by Mr M McEvoy of Counsel, instructed by Mills Selig, Solicitors.
"… My reasons for this are as follows, I only received one letter ever from your office being the notice of hearing which I include a copy of.
When I received this letter I read it and decided to put forward an application for a witness order. However through my discussions with your office I learned that the court was adjourned and thus I decided to do nothing until I received the next notice of hearing. I never received the next notice and only found out about the event through the recent letter from L. Cubitt & Co.
The problem I feel is that I did not receive all the correspondence from D T Carson & Co, accountants, who are registered as my company office. They are no longer my accountants and my solicitor changed the company office address. I felt this was enough to do as it would be impossible to write to every debtor, creditor etc etc who ever did business with Tullymore House Ltd. I wish to appeal this decision of the tribunal and request my right to defend the claim. I was not aware of the court date on 10 September otherwise I could have had my representative there …"
"We refer to your letter which is undated which was received in our office on 21 October.
We note the various comments you had made and in response we would make the following comments:
1. If you wish the matter to be reviewed you should notify the Industrial Tribunal.
2. You make the point that your registered office was changed. Having checked with the Companies Registry we were informed that the change was effected on 14 September 2004 by your accountants McClure Watters.
3. You telephoned the writer prior to the hearing which was adjourned and at that time you had indicated that you were prepared to discuss the matter.
4. Indeed we have been informed by Miss Black of the Labour Relations Agency that you had been in contact with them on a number of occasions to discuss figures with regard to settlement of the claim.
5. You were well aware of the fact there was a claim proceeding and it would have been a simple matter for you to have instructed your accountants or and your solicitors.
6. We should make it clear that we at all times were prepared to enter into negotiations but it was your failure on your part which resulted in the matter going to tribunal …"
"… we enclose a copy letter our clients mistakenly sent to L. Cubitt & Co asking to appeal the decision of the Tribunal of the 22 October 2004. This letter is undated but we understand it was sent in and around the 25 October 2004. Our client's intention to Review the decision is clear from the contents of this letter.
The Applicant's solicitors have clearly had notice of the Respondent's intention to Review the decision since the letter was in fact sent to them in error. They are aware of the Respondent's wish to have the matter Reviewed.
We would be grateful if the Tribunal would consider the enclosed letter as a notice of the Respondent's intention for a Review despite the fact that it has reached the Tribunal outside the 14-day time limit …"
- The respondent to pay the applicant £500.00 + VAT = £587.50 in respect of the applicant's costs on foot of the review hearing on 9 February 2005. This amount to be paid to the applicant on 9 February 2004.
Date and Place of Hearing: 9 February 2005, Belfast
Date decision issued to parties: