CASE REFS: 716/05
CLAIMANTS: Jackie McNeill
Christine McCrea
Pamela Walker
Lorraine Kewley
Judith Willoughby
RESPONDENTS: 1. Belfast Women's Training Services
2. Department for Employment and Learning
The decision of the tribunal, by consent, is that each claimant is entitled to a redundancy payment from the first-named respondent, as set out at Paragraph 1. below.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Chairman: Mr D Buchanan
The first, second, third and fourth-named claimants were represented by:-
Mr J McShane, Solicitor, of P A Duffy & Company, Solicitors.
The fifth-named claimant was represented by:-
Mr P Upson, Solicitor, of Thompsons McClure, Solicitors.
The first-named respondent was represented by:-
Ms M Quinn.
The second-named respondent was represented by:-
Ms K Dobbin, of Redundancy Payments Branch.
Jackie McNeill £1,540.00
Christine McCrea £ 759.68
Pamela Walker £1,400.00
Lorraine Kewley £1,960.00
Judith Willoughby £3,360.00
Date and place of hearing: 12 December 2005, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: