CASE REF: 3332/03
APPLICANT: Gary David Finlay
RESPONDENT: Moira Foods Ltd
The unanimous decision of the tribunal is that the applicant was not unfairly dismissed.
The applicant was represented by Mr J McMillan, Barrister-at-Law, instructed by Kenneth McKee, Solicitor.
The respondent was represented by Mr G Drain of Gallery and Campbell Solicitors.
Summary Reasons
The tribunal found the following facts:-
company, but did not provide any objective evidence to show that there was any merit in his contention. Accordingly, the tribunal prefers the evidence of the respondent on this point. This is a very small business and it appeared that upon the redundancy of the applicant the respondent re-jigged its runs so that three people could do the same runs previously undertaken by four people.
Date and place of hearing: 23 February 2004 and 16 March 2004, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: