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CASE REF: 9173/03
APPLICANT: Donna Jean Cassidy
RESPONDENT: Woodbury Investments Limited
The unanimous decision of the tribunal is that the tribunal finds the applicant's claim for unpaid wages well-founded, and the tribunal Orders the respondent to pay to the applicant the total sum of £901.92 in respect of unpaid wages in lieu of statutory leave entitlement, and costs.
The applicant was represented by her father, Mr T Cassidy.
The respondent did not appear and was not represented.
This is a decision in summary form.
In consequence of the written and oral evidence adduced before it, the tribunal found the following facts:-
14. – (1) Where, in the opinion of the tribunal, a party has in bringing the proceedings, or a party or a party's representative has in conducting the proceedings, acted vexatiously, abusively, disruptively or otherwise unreasonably ….. the tribunal shall consider making, and if it so decides, may make –
(a) an order containing an award against that party in respect of the costs incurred by another party.
(a) in respect of the fees of Messrs Noel Wilson & Co, Solicitors, the tribunal did not hear specific evidence as to the fees which that firm (which had not at the tribunal date billed the applicant) would charge. However, having heard details of the work which had been carried out by that firm in terms of meetings with the applicant, advice given, and correspondence entered into, and making what the tribunal regarded as being a reasonable assumption that charges would properly be levied against the applicant for services rendered, the tribunal feels that a not unreasonable figure for this work would be the sum of £200.00 plus VAT;
(b) in respect of Messrs Carson & McDowell, Solicitors, the tribunal saw documentation to the effect that that firm, although like the first solicitors not yet having raised a bill, was intending to raise a bill for £125.00 plus VAT. The tribunal is of the view that this is not an unreasonable fee considering the work done by that firm;
(c) the tribunal heard further that the applicant's father had incurred an airfare in his travel from England to attend the tribunal for the day in order to assist his daughter by the presentation of her case. He had also spent a considerable amount of time in assisting her with preparation of the case. The tribunal felt that it would not be unreasonable to make an award of costs to meet this;
(d) accordingly, the tribunal awards a total figure in respect of these three elements of cost in the sum of £450.00.
Date and place of hearing: 30 April 2004, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: