CASE REF: 1886/04
APPLICANT: Sara Mary Eillen McIlvenna
RESPONDENT: Darren Service
The unanimous decision of the tribunal is that the application be dismissed.
The applicant did not attend and was not represented.
The respondent did not attend and was not represented.
Summary Reasons
The applicant did not attend. The respondent had not completed or filed a Notice of Appearance. It seemed appropriate to the tribunal to deal with the matter in the absence of the parties on considering the contents of the Originating Application. This had been completed on 1 June 2004. Given the lapse of time involved and the circumstances outlined the tribunal did not consider it appropriate to make an award in the applicant's favour and accordingly the claim fell to be dismissed.
Date and place of hearing: 18 November 2004, Belfast.
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: