CASE REF NO: 2428/01
APPLICANT: Dr Janet Aileen Hall
RESPONDENT: Social Security Agency
The unanimous decision of the tribunal is that the applicant is not a worker within the meaning of article 3(3) of the Employment Rights (NI) Order 1996 or article 2(2) of the Working Time Regulations (NI) 1998.
APPLICANT: The applicant appeared without representation.
RESPONDENT: Mr S Shaw, QC, appeared for the respondent instructed by the Departmental Solicitor's Office.
"Worker means an individual who has entered into or works under (or, where the employment has ceased, worked under) -
(a) a contract of service, or
(b) any other contract, whether express or implied and (if it is express) whether oral or in writing, whereby the individual undertakes to do or perform personally any work or services for another party to the contract whose status is not by virtue of the contract that of a client or customer of any profession or business undertaking carried on by the individual:
And any reference to a workers contract shall be construed accordingly."
In light of the decision of the 29 May 2002, this tribunal is concerned only with paragraph (b).
Date and place of hearing: 29 November 2002, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: