CASE REFS: 00527/00 FET
185/01 FET
105/01 FET
339/01 FET
CLAIMANT: Padraig Walsh
RESPONDENTS: 1. University of Ulster
2. Alastair Gilmore
3. Sara Hunter
4. Professor John Wilson
5. Oliver McCullough
6. Ronnie Magee
The unanimous decision of the Tribunal is that the application for costs by the respondents is dismissed.
Constitution of Tribunal:
Vice President: Mrs M Price
Members: Mrs G Savage
Mr Campbell
The claimant appeared in person.
The respondents were represented by Mr B Mulqueen, Barrister-at-Law, instructed by University of Ulster.
Vice President:
Date and place of hearing: 16 February 2006, Belfast
Date decision recorded in register and issued to parties: