A Introduction
B Tribunals of Inquiry
(1) Introduction
• Policy issues;
• Accidents or major disasters;
• Allegations of corruption;
• Deaths of individuals, where the State is involved.
2.03 It is important to state at the outset that tribunals of inquiry are not courts. As the Supreme Court authoritatively held in Goodman International v Hamilton,[1] they are not involved in the administration of justice and they have no power to determine civil or criminal liability. The Supreme Court also held that tribunals should not, however, be inhibited from making recommendations or findings merely because of a potential impact on civil or criminal proceedings.
2.04 Most tribunals established in the State have been conferred with the powers contained in the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921.[2] This Act has been amended on 6 occasions since 1921, so that tribunals of inquiry are now governed by 7 pieces of legislation, which may be collectively cited as the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Acts 1921 to 2004[3] The Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 is also relevant as it introduces a form of inquiry, the commission of investigation, which is expressed as an alternative to, or a precursor to, a tribunal of inquiry.[4]
2.05 The Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 provides that tribunals of inquiry may be established to inquire into "definite matters of urgent public importance."[5] It is therefore open to the Government to establish a tribunal of inquiry into any such matter, which may now be contrasted with the text in the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004, namely a matter of "significant public concern."[6] The principal function of a tribunal of inquiry is to ascertain authoritatively the facts in relation to some matter of legitimate public interest which has been identified by its terms of reference and, where appropriate, to make recommendations as to how the future occurrence of the matter may be rendered less likely.
(2) History
Commons in 1667, following the fall of Sir Edward Hyde, Earl of Clarendon, to inquire into the manner in which Charles II and his Ministers had spent taxes voted to them by Parliament. Parliamentary Committees were utilised as the primary method of investigating matters of urgent public concern until 1921.[7]
2.07 In 1921 a Member of Parliament, Captain Loseby, made certain allegations against the Minister for Munitions, relating to the disposal of Ministry stocks and, as the accusations were pressed, it was decided that they warranted investigation. The ordinary procedure would have been for the House of Commons to establish a Committee of Inquiry such as had been used from 1667 onwards. However, since such Committees had no powers to examine witnesses on oath, and since this power had been sought by some of the members pushing for an inquiry into the munitions affair, the Government proposed a new procedure, which was enacted as the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921.[8]
(a) Irish Tribunals of Inquiry
2.08 In the early years of the State the tribunals of inquiry mechanism was utilised in a number of different circumstances. They were established to inquire into policy issues such as retail prices, the ports and harbours of the State, the marketing of butter, pig production, the grading of fruit and vegetables, the law and practice relating to town tenants, the state of public transport, the supply and distribution of milk in the Dublin Area and cross channel ferry rates. In the Commission's view, such policy inquiries are more appropriately a matter for other modes of inquiry, whether Oireachtas inquiries or other non-statutory commissions.[9]
O'Mahony in Garda custody. The process was also used in the aftermath of what might be termed disasters, such as the Pearse Street Fire and the St Joseph's Orphanage Fire. It was also used for the purpose for which the legislation was initially passed, namely to inquire into allegations of political corruption, such as the inquiry into the sale of shares in the Great Southern Railway Company, the inquiry into allegations made against a Parliamentary Secretary, and the inquiry into allegations surrounding the sale of Locke's Distillery. A further corruption inquiry was instituted in 1975 when a tribunal of inquiry was established to inquire into allegations concerning the Minister for Local Government.
(3) Inquisitorial Nature of Tribunals of Inquiry
2.11 It should be noted that tribunals of inquiry are inquisitorial in nature. As Denham J put it in Boyhan v Beef Tribunal "[a] tribunal is not a court of law – either civil or criminal. It is a body – unusual in our legal system – an inquisitorial tribunal. It has not an adversary format."[10] The importance of this distinction, between the inquisitorial and the adversarial, is the key to a proper understanding of the operation of tribunals of inquiry.
appropriate. The Commission agrees with the Royal Commission on Tribunals of Inquiry (the Salmon Commission) where it stated: "it is essential on the very rare occasions when crises of public confidence occur, the evil, if it exists, shall be exposed so that it may be rooted out: or if does not exist, the public shall be satisfied that in reality there is no substance in the prevalent rumours and suspicions by which they have been disturbed. We are satisfied that this would be difficult if not impossible without public investigation by an inquisitorial tribunal."[11]
2.15 The Commission also recommends that it would be beneficial if the legislation was amended to make explicit the views expressed by the Supreme Court in Goodman International v Hamilton,[12] that a tribunal of inquiry has no power to determine, or rule on, any persons civil or criminal liability, but that this should not inhibit a tribunal in making findings or recommendations.
2.16 The Commission recommends that the tribunals of inquiry legislation be amended to provide that:
• Tribunals of Inquiry are inquisitorial in nature.
• Tribunals of Inquiry have no power to determine or to rule on, any person's civil or criminal liability.
• A Tribunal of Inquiry is not to be inhibited in the discharge of its functions by any likelihood of liability being inferred from facts that it determines or recommendations that it makes.
(4) Purposes and Functions of Tribunals of Inquiry
2.17 Tribunals of inquiry have six primary purposes or functions. These are:
• To establish what happened, especially in circumstances where the facts are disputed, or the course and causation of events is not clear;
• To learn from what happened, and so helping to prevent their recurrence by synthesising or distilling lessons, which can be used to change practice. This includes identifying shortcomings in law or regulations;
• To provide catharsis or therapeutic exposure, providing an opportunity for reconciliation and resolution, by bringing protagonists face to face with each other's perspectives and problems;
• To provide reassurance, by rebuilding public confidence after a major failure
• To establish accountability, blame, and retribution —holding people and organisations to account, and sometimes indirectly contributing to assigning blame and to mechanisms for retribution;
• For political considerations —serving a wider political agenda for government either in demonstrating that "something is being done" or in providing leverage for change.[13]
2.20 In the Consultation Paper, the Commission considered in detail the advantages and disadvantages of establishing tribunals of inquiry, and concluded that they should only be established in the most serious cases where no other alternative means of protecting the public interest is available.[14] The Commission sees no reason to depart from that view and would add that the enactment of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 provides a further alternative method of investigation.[15]
C Should there be an Express Power to Establish Tribunals of Inquiry
2.22 The Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921, as amended, does not deal with the establishment of tribunals of inquiry.[16] It is concerned only with the powers which may be conferred on tribunals of inquiry established pursuant to a resolution of both Houses of the
Oireachtas.[17] Thus the power to establish tribunals of inquiry lies elsewhere and it has been authoritatively decided that the Executive has an inherent power to establish tribunals of inquiry.[18]
(1) Consultation Paper
2.25 In the Consultation Paper, the Commission recommended that any redraft of the tribunals of inquiry legislation should confer an express power to establish tribunals of inquiry on the Oireachtas or a Minister.[19]
(2) Discussion
(a) The Origins of the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921
This envisaged a tribunal being established in one of two ways, the first pursuant to a resolution of either House of Parliament, and the second subject to an undertaking given by a Minister to either House of Parliament that he would establish a tribunal.
2.29 A related point concerning parliamentary scrutiny was also made. It was argued first, that because of the extensive powers of tribunals of inquiry, and secondly, that because the 1921 Act was establishing a mechanism which would remove the need for separate legislation for each inquiry, it was appropriate that the consent of both Houses of Parliament should be necessary for the establishment of a tribunal of inquiry. This amendment was accepted and section 1 of the 1921 Act in its current form became law.[20]
(b) The Commissions of Investigation Act 2004
2.30 It is useful to contrast the absence of any reference to the power to establish a tribunal with the explicit references in the more recent Commissions of Investigations Act 2004. A commission of investigation may be established by the Government, based on a proposal by a Minister, with the approval of the Minister for Finance, to investigate any matter considered by the Government to be of "significant public concern."[21] The order establishing a commission of investigation must set out the matter that is to be investigated and nominate the Minister responsible for overseeing the administrative matters relating to the establishment of the commission, for receiving its reports and performing any other functions accorded to the Minister by the 2004 Act.[22] The Houses of the Oireachtas must
consent to the establishment of a commission of investigation. A draft of the proposed order and a statement of the reasons for establishing the commission of investigation must be laid before both Houses and a resolution approving the draft must be passed by each House.[23]
(c) United Kingdom
2.31 In the United Kingdom, the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 has recently been replaced by the Inquiries Act 2005. The UK Inquiries Act 2005 provides a comprehensive statutory framework for inquiries set up by Ministers to look into matters of public concern. It gives effect to proposals contained in a Departmental of Constitutional Affairs Consultation Paper "Effective Inquiries," and takes into account the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee (PASC) "Government by Inquiry" investigation.[24]
(d) Canada
2.32 In Canada, provision is made for public inquiries at both federal and provincial level. Federal inquiries are governed by the Inquiries Act 1985. Section 2 states that the establishment of inquiries is a matter purely for the Executive. Similarly, the various statutes governing provincial inquiries provide that the setting up of inquiries is a matter for the Executive.[25]
(e) New Zealand
(f) Australia
2.35 State inquiries are governed by state legislation. In the Australian Capital Territory,[26] New South Wales,[27]Queensland [28] and Tasmania,[29] the legislation governing public inquiries provides that the establishment of inquiries is a matter purely for the Executive. In the Northern Territory, the Inquiries Act 1985 provides two methods for establishing inquiries. The first is by order of the Executive,[30] and the second is pursuant to a resolution of the Legislative Assembly.[31]
(3) Recommendation
establishment process. The Commission has concluded that it would be appropriate that the legislation on tribunals of inquiry expressly provide that the Government has the power to establish tribunals of inquiry a point which has been definitively decided in the courts.[32] The Commission also recommends that this power should only be exercised on foot of a resolution passed by both Houses of the Oireachtas, as is the case under the recently enacted Commissions of Investigation Act 2004.
D Permanent Standing Inspectorate and Central Inquiries Office
(1) Permanent Standing Inspectorate
currently investigated by commissions and tribunals of inquiry but recommended that such an inspectorate should not be established.[33]
(a) Advantages
(b) Disadvantages
2.44 Fourthly, while it may be argued that public inquiries do not possess an institutional memory, this can be remedied by, for example, the establishment of a central inquiries office. Finally, it could be argued that the enactment of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 removes the need to establish a permanent inspectorate in that it provides the framework for the establishment of private low key inquiries which are fast and flexible.[34]
(c) Recommendation
(2) Central Inquiries Office
2.47 In the Consultation Paper, the Commission considered, and recommended, the establishment of a central inquiries office, which would be charged with collecting and managing a database of records and information in respect of public inquiries.[35] This would provide those charged with establishing and running public inquiries easy access to precedents and guidance on a wide variety of matters pertinent to their inquiry, including legislation, procedural issues, the drafting of terms of reference and administrative matters.
inquiries office is that it provides a one-stop shop for those seeking information on inquiries, thus making the task of those charged with responsibility for the establishment, management and operation of inquiries more efficient and less time consuming.
2.52 The Commission has already outlined the functions which it proposes that the Central Inquiries Office perform, namely to collect and manage a database of records and information in respect of public inquiries. In this respect, the Commission considers that it would be especially important that the Office prepare a booklet, which would set out in a clear and easy to read format a series of guidelines for those charged with establishing public inquiries, those running them and those staffing them.[36]
administrative issues possessing an experienced pool of in house lawyers.
E Separate Legal Personality
2.63 In the Consultation Paper the Commission provisionally recommended conferring separate legal personality on tribunals of inquiry.[37] The Commission considered that if tribunals had separate legal personality it would simplify their relationships with their staff as well as providing continuity to the tribunal.[38]
(1) An instrument to which this Act applies may provide that the tribunal shall be a body corporate with perpetual succession and the power to sue and be sued in its corporate name.
F Independence
and so this independence does not apply in the discharge of extra judicial functions such as being members of tribunals of inquiry.[39]
2.68 The Commission notes that both the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000 and the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 provide expressly for the independence of those investigative bodies.[40]
Note 1 [1992] 2 IR 542. See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 1.06. [Back] Note 2 In the Consultation Paper, the Commission examined the history of the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 and its operation in Ireland since the establishment of the State. See the Consultation Paper, at Chapter 5 and see Appendix A of the Consultation Paper for a list of all the tribunals of inquiry established since the foundation of the State. [Back] Note 3 These are the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921, Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1979, Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1997, Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 1998, Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) (No 2) Act 1998, Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 2002 and Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) (Amendment) Act 2004. [Back] Note 4 See paragraphs 1.10 ff, above. [Back] Note 5 Section 1(1) of the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921. [Back] Note 6 See paragraphs 1.15 ff, above. [Back] Note 7 See the Consultation Paper at paragraphs 5.01-5.05. [Back] Note 8 See the Consultation Paper, at paragraphs 5.01-5.09. See generally Keeton, Trial by Tribunal: A Study of the Development and Functioning of the Tribunal of Inquiry (Museum Press 1960), Public Administration Select Committee of the House of Commons, Government by Inquiry (HC 2005) at 10-11. [Back] Note 9 See paragraph 1.08, above. [Back] Note 10 [1993] 1 IR 210, 222 per Denham J. [Back] Note 11 Royal Commission on Tribunals of Inquiry (Cmnd 3132 1966) at 16. [Back] Note 12 [1992] 2 IR 542, see paragraph 2.03. [Back] Note 13 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 1.03 and House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee, Government by Inquiry (HC 2005) at 9, 10. [Back] Note 14 See the Consultation Paper, at paragraphs 1.27 – 1.31. [Back] Note 15 See paragraph 1.15 ff, above. [Back] Note 16 Goodman International v Hamilton [1992] 2 IR 542, 544; Haughey v Moriarty [1999] 3 IR 1, 30. [Back] Note 17 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 6.03. [Back] Note 18 See Goodman International v Hamilton [1992] 2 IR 542, 554; Haughey v Moriarty [1999] 3 IR 1, 30. [Back] Note 19 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 6.05. [Back] Note 20 House of Lords, 22 March 1921, c. 758. [Back] Note 21 Section 3(1) of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004. [Back] Note 22 Section 3(3) of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004. [Back] Note 23 Section 3(2). See the Commission of Investigation (Dublin and Monaghan Bombings) Order 2005 (SI No 222 of 2005). [Back] Note 24 The Law Reform Commission participated in the consultation process which gave rise to the Inquiries Act 2005. In 2004, the Commission met with representatives of the Department of Constitutional Affairs to discuss its Consultation Paper, Public Inquiries Including Tribunals of Inquiry (CP 22-2003). In addition, the Commission made a written submission to the House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee, a copy of which may be found in Government by Inquiry: Written Evidence (HMSO 2004). This participation does not in any way indicate that the Commission expresses a general view on the Inquiries Act 2005. [Back] Note 25 See section 2 of the Public Inquiries Act, RSA 2000 (Alberta), section 1of the Inquiry Act, RSBS 1996 (British Columbia), section 1 of An Act Respecting Public Inquiry Commissions, RSQ 1981 (Quebec), section 2 of the Public Inquiries Act, RSS 1978 (Saskatchewan), section 2 of the Public Inquiries Act, RSO 1990 (Ontario), section 2 of the Public Inquiries Act, RSNS 1989 (Nova Scotia), section 2 of the Inquiries Act, RSNB 1973 (New Brunswick), section 1 of the Public Inquiries Act, PSPEI 1988 [Back] Note 26 Section 5 of the Inquiries Act 1991. [Back] Note 27 Section 4 of the Special Commissions of Inquiry Act 1983. [Back] Note 28 Section 4 of the Commissions of Inquiry 1950. [Back] Note 29 Section 4 of the Commissions of Inquiry Act 1995. [Back] Note 30 Section 4 of the Inquiries Act 1985. [Back] Note 31 Section 4A of the Inquiries Act 1985. [Back] Note 32 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 6.03, referring to Goodman International v Hamilton [1992] 2 IR 542 and Haughey v Moriarty [1999] 3 IR 1. [Back] Note 33 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 1.13. [Back] Note 34 The enactment of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 is in line with the Commission’s recommendations in the Consultation Paper at paragraph 10.16. [Back] Note 35 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 1.14. [Back] Note 36 The Commission notes the publication in New Zealand of such a guide book in Setting Up and Running Commissions of Inquiry: Guidelines for Officials, Commissioners and Commission Staff (Department of Internal Affairs 2001) available at The Commission also notes the manner in which the Comparative Study into Parliamentary Inquiries and Tribunals of Inquiry (Pn 9796) was utilised by the DIRT Inquiry. See also the recommendation at paragraph 5.11 below concerning procedures. [Back] Note 37 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 6.137. [Back] Note 38 See the Consultation Paper at paragraph 6.135. [Back] Note 39 Article 35.2 of the Constitution of 1937. [Back] Note 40 Section 9 of the Commissions of Investigation Act 2004 and section 3(3) of the Commission to Inquire into Child Abuse Act 2000. [Back]