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Notice of the making of this Statutory Instrument was published in
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“Iris Oifigiúil” of 5th February, 2021.
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The Government, on the request of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine and in exercise of the powers conferred on them by
section 2
(1) of the
Ministers and Secretaries (Amendment) (No. 2) Act 1977
(No. 28 of 1977), hereby orders as follows:
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1. This Order may be cited as the Agriculture, Food and the Marine (Delegation of Ministerial Functions) Order 2021.
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2. The powers (other than the power to prosecute an offence) and duties of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine conferred on him -
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(a) by or under the enactments specified in Part 1 of the Schedule,
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(b) under the Regulations made under
section 3
of the
European Communities Act 1972
(No. 27 of 1972) specified in Part 2 of the Schedule,
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are delegated to Pippa Hackett, Minister of State at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
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Part 1
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Destructive Insects and Pests Acts 1958 and 1991
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Forestry Acts 1988 to 2020
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Subsections (1A) and (1B) of section 14A of the
Agriculture Appeals Act 2001
(No. 29 of 2001)
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Animal Health and Welfare Acts 2013 and 2019, in so far as they relate to bees
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Part 2
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European Communities (Marketing of Forest Reproductive Material) Regulations 2002 (
S.I. No. 618 of 2002
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European Communities (Water Policy) Regulations 2003 (
S.I. No. 722 of 2003
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European Communities Environmental Objectives (Freshwater Pearl Mussel) Regulations 2009 (
S.I. No. 296 of 2009
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European Union (Marketing of Vegetable Propagating and Planting Material, Other than Seed) Regulations 2014 (
S.I. No. 152 of 2014
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European Union (Timber and Timber Products) (Placing on the Market) Regulations 2014 (
S.I. No. 316 of 2014
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European Union (FLEGT Licensing Scheme for Imports of Timber) Regulations 2015 (
S.I. No. 251 of 2015
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European Union (Organic Farming) Regulations 2016 (
S.I. No. 683 of 2016
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European Union (Temporary Increase of Official Controls and Emergency Measures on Imports of Food and Feed of Non-animal Origin) Regulations 2020 (
S.I. No. 9 of 2020
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GIVEN under the Official Seal of the Government,
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2 February, 2021.
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